People have been blindly following whatever MSM told them at the minium since 2016. The Orange Man™️ was their boogeyman, and through making him out to be some sort of Hitler Jr., they could simply relate anything they wanted their audience to hate to him, guilt by association on anyone and anything they don't like. But it's definitely been going on longer than that, they just saw an opportunity in 2016 and took it all the way.

  • verified_user

I've been thinking about that TIME article. How many communists did you know of in 2018? Suddenly, in 2020, they exploded in numbers. How much did people hate the cops before 2020? Yeah there was a general mistrust and apprehension, and then at the top of 2020, people wanted the cops dead. I wonder if these people were psyopped into these beliefs by corporate and democrat interests.

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