Sharon D'Amico: "Unless it's fiction."

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From Jeff Bellamar: Government won’t force you to take the vaccine. Amazon will. Airlines will. Banks will. Your employer will. The Dept of Motor Vehicles will. You won’t be able to buy, sell, work or register your car without the vaccine. And then Bill Gates will realize the 20x return he's projecting for his $10 billion investment in vaccines and with his $200 billion, he will knock Bezos off the top of The World's Richest Man (not named Rothschild) Forbes list.

More from Ted Aranda

From Jeff Bellamar: Government won’t force you to take the vaccine. Amazon will. Airlines will. Banks will. Your employer will. The Dept of Motor Vehicles will. You won’t be able to buy, sell, work or register your car without the vaccine. And then Bill Gates will realize the 20x return he's projecting for his $10 billion investment in vaccines and with his $200 billion, he will knock Bezos off the top of The World's Richest Man (not named Rothschild) Forbes list.