  • verified_user
  • verified_user

Sound Familiar ? That’s where the Democrats got that great idea from. Maybe that’s why they they even have two Strike Forces set up to cause havoc in the streets already too. BLM & ANTIFA. Big mistake, Big Big mistake. They didn’t take into account that Americans aren’t a people who aren’t going to lay back and take it. They are going to fire back and Kill the Hostile forces invading their cities as fast as they are taking over. There won’t be a Democratic occupation of any Republican Cities. There won’t be any cops who go along with the Dems to help disarm the Public. No cops want to go home in a box, nor do they want to collect their neighbors guns. Nazi-ism won’t work here that well. There will be a lot of blood on the streets for a long time, before the Government GIVES UP.

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