KINDLY DON'T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE, TAG, COMMENT, WIRE, BOOST, LIKE & REMIND! ALSO VISIT MY CHANNEL NOW FOR UNSEEN POSTS! #MINDS #THAILAND #MINDSAFRICA #ALL #VIETNAM Elon Musk: Say Marta_Pfaal, who do you mean, if you criticize someone? Marta_Pfaal: Always the One, who feels adressed! Also Elon Musk: Germany rocks!!!

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KINDLY DON'T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE, TAG, COMMENT, WIRE, BOOST, LIKE & REMIND! ALSO VISIT MY CHANNEL NOW FOR UNSEEN POSTS! #MINDS #THAILAND #MINDSAFRICA #ALL #VIETNAM I should let me pay for Reminds, because you know, we all live in sweeeet Capitalism to buy me a 200M Monaco Yacht! Can't be, that the people, who contribute nothing and work the least on this site, are the only ones, who make money out of it!

KINDLY DON'T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE, TAG, COMMENT, WIRE, BOOST, LIKE & REMIND! ALSO VISIT MY CHANNEL NOW FOR UNSEEN POSTS! #MINDS #COVID #TRUMP #POLITICS #VIETNAM So explain, what's so great 1. about Trump? 2. about being Number 1 in the Corona Losers Game? I just need a good laugh today!


KINDLY DON'T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE, TAG, COMMENT, WIRE, BOOST, LIKE & REMIND! ALSO VISIT MY CHANNEL NOW FOR UNSEEN POSTS! #MINDS #THAILAND #MINDSAFRICA #ALL #VIETNAM I should let me pay for Reminds, because you know, we all live in sweeeet Capitalism to buy me a 200M Monaco Yacht! Can't be, that the people, who contribute nothing and work the least on this site, are the only ones, who make money out of it!

KINDLY DON'T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE, TAG, COMMENT, WIRE, BOOST, LIKE & REMIND! ALSO VISIT MY CHANNEL NOW FOR UNSEEN POSTS! #MINDS #COVID #TRUMP #POLITICS #VIETNAM So explain, what's so great 1. about Trump? 2. about being Number 1 in the Corona Losers Game? I just need a good laugh today!