2020 Watch: How much more damage can Woodward do?

The legacy media narrative is that President #Trump has been "damaged" by Bob Woodward's reveals. But the 30-day RCP Aggregate on Trump's Job Approval rating is trending UP....so how much damage can Woodward have done? Even the 30-day RCP Aggregate on Trump and #Biden...See more

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China must be militarily and morally ready for a potential war

The casualty list of New York businesses killed by the lunatic #lockdown keeps increasing. How will #NYC bounce back if there are no businesses left to bounce back? https://finance.yahoo.com/news/york-sports-clubs-owner-files-045126109.html This is the direct consequence of the legacy media narrative that is anti-business and pro-lockdown, ignoring the consequences to the overall #economy. https://www.aier.org/article/in-a-war-on-restaurants-media-tout-the-lockdown-narrative/ #news #jobs

Biggest Crisis Test Is Still to Come With Insolvencies, BIS Says