It's been four score and twenty years since my last submission...probably...maybe... math's been a little scrambled since I lost a bet and had to let a couple of thoroughly 'baked' skeletons operate on me. To this day i have no idea what they did. While i'm dealing with that...See more

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Wahzaa! May i present my latest and greatest and shadiest picture yet, its almost certainly up to something. Probably spying. Anyway, this is that latest picture in a series wherein i try to illustrate a book my brother and i wrote ( The city of locked door, which you can...See more

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Wahzaa! May i present my latest and greatest and shadiest picture yet, its almost certainly up to something. Probably spying. Anyway, this is that latest picture in a series wherein i try to illustrate a book my brother and i wrote ( The city of locked door, which you can...See more