8 READONS WHY YOU NEED TO SHOWER IN THE MORNING THAN AT NIGHT 1. Cold Hands and Feet Coldness (or numbness) in the hands or feet can be a sign of poor circulation. But it’s not just your hands and feet that suffer: sluggish circulation of the blood can cause a whole variety...See more

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About Bambara Groundnut and its Health Benefits


Have you heard of any scary forest stories? It could be from your childhood or you read them in story books and then just out them down. Well I have and they're usually very scary especially when they're told in the night. Even with all that I still listen to them and watch them even more. https://read.cash/@King_tobi/the-scary-forest-e443d5c7


You can spend minutes, hours, days, weeks, even months analyzing a situation, trying to put the pieces together. Justifying what could’ve, should’ve, would’ve happened. Or you can just leave the pieces on the floor and move on. It up to you

More from Audrey🎆


About Bambara Groundnut and its Health Benefits


Have you heard of any scary forest stories? It could be from your childhood or you read them in story books and then just out them down. Well I have and they're usually very scary especially when they're told in the night. Even with all that I still listen to them and watch them even more. https://read.cash/@King_tobi/the-scary-forest-e443d5c7


You can spend minutes, hours, days, weeks, even months analyzing a situation, trying to put the pieces together. Justifying what could’ve, should’ve, would’ve happened. Or you can just leave the pieces on the floor and move on. It up to you