A patterned rice field in China's northeast yesterday. Photo: 于海洋

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A bust is made of paper and can change its shape, created by Chinese artist Li Hongbo (李洪波).

A sculpture of a dancing Chinese woman in an ethnic minority's costume. The sculpture is made of paper and can change its shape, created by Chinese artist Li Hongbo (李洪波).

A vase made of paper and can change its shape, created by Chinese artist Li Hongbo (李洪波).

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A bust is made of paper and can change its shape, created by Chinese artist Li Hongbo (李洪波).

A sculpture of a dancing Chinese woman in an ethnic minority's costume. The sculpture is made of paper and can change its shape, created by Chinese artist Li Hongbo (李洪波).

A vase made of paper and can change its shape, created by Chinese artist Li Hongbo (李洪波).