I don't dare what they say, it'll always be Einhorn Day to me... Plus more unfortunate debunkings from the comments: -- Also Duvel -- apparently this one drunk Dutch girl who told me it was named after this psychotic Nazi guy who invented it while imprisoned in a medieval castle (hence the name "Devil") was mistaken... and another article of faith evaporates, along with any interest in the beer, which is too sweet for my taste without the scary story and the drunk Dutch girl. -- Larry Livermore once told me that the government puts an extra something-or-other in Budweiser to make you stupid, which I always assumed was a metaphor of some kind. But then I met others who believed it literally, and saw it as selling point. I didn't have the heart to tell them: they were already stupid to begin with. -- I sat through the whole movie based on the board game Clue under the impression that Tim Curry and Freddie Mercury were actually brothers, and that he was thus a Zoroastrian, which I may well not have been able to do otherwise. #earthdayisstupid #minds

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