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"The only strong and deep passions are those which can stand the test of reason… There is passion behind every art. That is why you fight and suffer for your music… But in art that is always the way. One must throw one's life away in order to gain it." Kafka on the power of music and the point of making art. #insights

"Less is more? Extraordinary claims about the effects of microdosing psychedelic substances include the ability to enhance creativity, elevate mood and even combat depression. In The Science of Microdosing Psychedelics, Dr Torsten Passie reveals a rich and largely ignored history of research with microdose, minidose and low-dose LSD, and other psychedelics." #books #spotlight

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"The only strong and deep passions are those which can stand the test of reason… There is passion behind every art. That is why you fight and suffer for your music… But in art that is always the way. One must throw one's life away in order to gain it." Kafka on the power of music and the point of making art. #insights

"Less is more? Extraordinary claims about the effects of microdosing psychedelic substances include the ability to enhance creativity, elevate mood and even combat depression. In The Science of Microdosing Psychedelics, Dr Torsten Passie reveals a rich and largely ignored history of research with microdose, minidose and low-dose LSD, and other psychedelics." #books #spotlight