~ Coronavirus: why it's not like the other fake epidemics ~ by Jon Rappoport #vaccines #BigPharma #coronavirus #jonrappoport #FQS As always, I suggest new readers go back and acquaint themselves with all my articles on the coronavirus situation. I can't possible recapitulate the full scope of details, evidence, and analysis each time I write a piece. In today's episode of virus fakery and population mind control, I examine the one important difference between this phony epidemic and its predecessors---West Nile, SARS, MERS, Swine Flu, Ebola, Zika. Size matters. That's the difference. By which I mean, the size of the lie. In previous incarnations of "raging outbreaks," the people controlling the operation (CDC, WHO, etc.) were content to let their propaganda fade out after a short time. And as quickly as the false threat was invented, it began to dissolve. This time, however, the controllers feel sufficiently emboldened to pour fuel on the fire of the lie and build it into an illusion of conflagration. That's the long and the short of this story. In all other respects, the 2020 "epidemic" is identical to the previous duds: farcical announcement of an outbreak; miraculously quick and dubious "discovery" of a virus; deployment of diagnostic tests that don't work; deceptive inflation of case numbers; ludicrous claim of global spread; where actual illness is occurring, a cover-up of the true reasons, which have nothing to do with a virus. But since the total tonnage of fear porn propaganda is much larger this time around, mass quarantines are possible. These quarantines, for the dim and uninformed, appear to prove (but don't) that the virus is highly volatile and dangerous. In turn, the quarantines, and an accompanying urge for "self-isolation," torpedo trade and industries and markets. The world population, one more time, is tuned up to accept any and all medical dictates. To put it another way, the current coronavirus fantasy could have been floated with t...

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