Australian Pelican (Pelecanus conspicillatus). Nature's very own feathered Jumbo Jet. #birds #nature #Australia #myphoto

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Eastern Water Dragon (Intellagama lesueurii lesueurii). One of the largest I've ever seen - perhaps over 1 metre from nose to tail. Notice the scale patterns and how they vary from the head to the body. #animals #nature #Australia #myphoto

Helicopters play a vital role in combating bushfires in Australia. In this image the pilot swings the thundering machine in a tight arc to hover above a water hazard on a golf course. In emergencies water can be taken from private property including golf courses and backyard swimming pools. #aviation #bushfires #Australia #myphoto

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Eastern Water Dragon (Intellagama lesueurii lesueurii). One of the largest I've ever seen - perhaps over 1 metre from nose to tail. Notice the scale patterns and how they vary from the head to the body. #animals #nature #Australia #myphoto

Helicopters play a vital role in combating bushfires in Australia. In this image the pilot swings the thundering machine in a tight arc to hover above a water hazard on a golf course. In emergencies water can be taken from private property including golf courses and backyard swimming pools. #aviation #bushfires #Australia #myphoto