A mother of four in Australia has apparently been “slammed” for a #Facebook post in which she said she liked to get up early and make breakfast for her husband. I know, the sheer temerity of it, right? Smith’s story was introduced on an Australian TV show by the female host saying, “I want to take you back to the 1950’s.” “Who? Who are these people?” responded another male host, adding, “Has he hypnotized her or something? Who does this stuff? Making his breakfast and then putting his clothes out…is he disabled or something?” “Seriously, get a grip, get off your bum and do stuff yourself,” he continued. A female guest on the show then suggested that Smith, God forbid, “might actually like” taking care of her four children and husband. “I mean, I like my husband but make your own bloody breakfast,” responded the female host. A moment of honesty then crept in at the end when she admitted Smith was “making the rest of us look bad.” These people hate you and want your families destroyed. “I do the exact same for my husband it’s a choice!!!” remarked former Olympic athlete Jess Schipper: https://humansarefree.com/2020/02/australian-mom-slammed-for-wanting-to-make-breakfast-for-her-husband.html #Feminism #Depopulation

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