Why has it been said that "love" was the currency of the 21st Century? https://web.archive.org/web/20120112113100/http://spiritualeconomicsnow.net/?p=118 Did this article go far enough, or is there a bigger picture regards how "love" can overcome all of men's bankrupt traditions of church-state-money (i.e. religion-politics-banksterism)? What if "love" was/is the effect/cause of Kingdom Banking for turning the world Right-Side up again? Has anyone explored the many changes in the priesthood from the Levitical to the Melchizedek? Weren't most (all?) of the levitical practices done away with, completely, replaced or modified from old to new covenants? Why would the tax/tithe be any different? Not that there is no more tax/tithe, which in one sense has one logical point to stand on (since the only reason for the tithe in old Covenant was to support the tribe of Levi who had no land inheritance), but because the tithe changed from 10% to 100% under the new Covenant as a restoration of the Melchizedek order that existed before the Abrahamic covenant-- evidenced by the fact Abraham paid tithes to Melchizedek. But how would this work, today, with people half-in and half-out of the "kingdom of heaven" (on earth), as in still double-minded thru making the wrong choice defined in I Sam 8 resulting in a voluntary servitude under an Egyptian-type slavery because of "Babylonian" idolatry/whoredom (from which all of men's bankrupt money-schemes comes from)? Is it because people can't imagine how the new heavens, new earth of the new covenant was a restoration of all that Adam lost when banned from the garden? Was there money in Eden? Was there any need for buying, selling or any kind of commerce when all was given to Adam under the "dominion covenant" (trust) to tend it and bring forth increase? Isn't this "increase" the "tithe" the Creator wanted? Not to support a tribe of people, but to carry out the Creator's will? How would a 100% tax/tithe ...

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