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The 9 Noble Virtues Of Åsatru, number 2: TRUTH Without truth, we have no fundamental realization on any significant level, nor the courage or will to achieve and evolve, relegating our very Being to nothing more than a farcical play. Our ancient ancestors valued truthful speech and honest deeds. This was shown by their strong avoidance of lies (unless lied to) and of oath breaking. In a society where a man's word was better than a contract, honesty was a necessity. Directly tied to truth is modesty, or rather a tendency not to exaggerate one's own feats. This may seem in opposition to the Elder Heathens' heroic boasting, but one must understand that the boasting was more a proclamation of feats done by one's self and one's forbears, and not the idle bragging of unaccomplished men. As "It isn't bragging if you can do it." Ritual boasting followed a set pattern of naming the feats of one's gods, one's forbears, and one's self before making an oath to do a great deed. There was no room for the idle boasts. HAVAMAL:  counsel you second; swear no oath  But what you mean to abide by:  A halter awaits the word breaker,  Villainous is the wolf-of-vows. #Norse #mythology #wisdom #myculture #Viking Thank you for the wire @RachelNunya29

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