Why not make the Third Position one's new ideology for 2020? ... if politics distracts one from deep work endeavors and only feeds some "other's" agenda, isn't it time for an ideology that exclusively empowers the individual? ... why be a pawn in someone else's game? why not be a servant-king? Why only be one of many people that makes up the "sovereignty" of a nation, when one can be "a sovereign without subjects" within a fraternal benefit society? ... why not make 2020 the year to focus 100% on a third position? https://www.hosfell.org/nv3p ... what if the only Ideology one needs is a spiritual one, or does one imagine a materialistic "emergency" can ever be a priority over a spiritual one? ... why not be the change that manifests this spiritual emergency over all materialistic concerns for the highest good of all? ... why not think bigger, aim higher? #thirdposition #politics #ideology #sovereignty #spirituality

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