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King Charles Philip Arthus George - Coat Of Arms; The MOUTH of the Antichrist is the LION = from ENGLAND. Rev. 13:2 Beast: King/Kingdom: “Thus he said, The Fourth Beast shall be the Fourth (Reich) Kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour...See more

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➝ The Pirates Simply Set Up Laws and Wait For YOU To Break One - So That THEY Can Plunder Your Wealth and Freedom. Simply put, we live on a planet we call earth and not in Countries. In fact Countries are not land under the real system of law, they are imaginary Seas, upon which...See more

➝ The Third Eye or Pineal Gland is located in the middle of the brain, at the same level as the eyes. Its connection with the third eye chakra or Ajna in the Hindu system has long been investigated by yogic traditions and modern metaphysics alike. They view this gland as a...See more

“The harmonial relation between music, geometry and mathematics, planets and the zodiacal signs.” PDF Book ➝ Psycho-harmonial philosophy. 1910 : https://archive.org/stream/psychoharmonialp00pear#page/n237/mode/2up -------------------------------------------------- #ChromaticCircle #ZodiacalSigns #PsychoHarmonial #Philosophy

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➝ The Pirates Simply Set Up Laws and Wait For YOU To Break One - So That THEY Can Plunder Your Wealth and Freedom. Simply put, we live on a planet we call earth and not in Countries. In fact Countries are not land under the real system of law, they are imaginary Seas, upon which...See more

➝ The Third Eye or Pineal Gland is located in the middle of the brain, at the same level as the eyes. Its connection with the third eye chakra or Ajna in the Hindu system has long been investigated by yogic traditions and modern metaphysics alike. They view this gland as a...See more

“The harmonial relation between music, geometry and mathematics, planets and the zodiacal signs.” PDF Book ➝ Psycho-harmonial philosophy. 1910 : https://archive.org/stream/psychoharmonialp00pear#page/n237/mode/2up -------------------------------------------------- #ChromaticCircle #ZodiacalSigns #PsychoHarmonial #Philosophy