Hermetic Genesis: “It began before the beginning. The vast sea of Light was in a state of perfect unity, without edge, without boundary, and without division. This was the "clear light" of Buddha/Kristos consciousness and the Ain Soph Aur ("Light without end") of Kabbalah. There was no possible idea of striving for and attaining anything, since all was wholeness, the very concept of unity itself being meaningless in an existence absent of separation. There was only the unending Light of consciousness, and it existed as perfect bliss and contentment. It knew no objects. It was the perfect suffusion that cannot be touched or disturbed. All was mind. Impossibly, in the midst of this perfect peace, there arose a restlessness. For some reason, the All-mind struggled to perceive Itself. It "moved" within Itself to obtain a vantage point from which to survey Its own limitless being. And that was clearly not possible, since no division between self and "not-self" yet existed. Where could It go to see Itself if it had no edge, no realm outside of Its own limitlessness? So, within the vastness of the All-mind arose a plan for self-division. The ocean of limitless Light opened a vortex in Its midst. The ultimate of creative acts was committed. The All-mind played a game of deception with Itself, comparable to hide and seek. It fabricated what, to us, appears as a lie, the first terrible act that began the birth pangs of the universe. It began to create a make-believe place within Itself that was different and "other" from Itself. If there were such a place, perhaps then the All-mind could obtain some vantage point from which to see Its own countenance or reflection. Such self-division was not really possible within perfect unity, but this was a game, after all."- LYAM T CHRISTOPHER Read more at: http://logoilibrary.com/ch-10-my-three-wise-men/ #poetry #minds #philosophy #spirituality #art

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