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➝ The Tattvas of Nature ~ A Tattva is vibration of ether. ~ The Tattvas are the soul of the elements. ~ The Tattvas are the elements within us. ~ When the Logos fecundates the Chaos, the Tattvas enter into activity. ~ The elements earth, water, air, and fire exist in all the planes of Cosmic Consciousness. ~ These elements in the internal worlds are known as Tattvas. ~ Alchemy is based on the Chaos and on the Tattvas. By learning the use of the tattvas one can favorably solve all matters in life. Sir Oliver Lodge, the great British scientist, said: “It is the ether that gives place, through diverse modifications of its equilibrium, to all phenomena of the universe, from the impalpable light to the formidable masses of the worlds”. The Names of the Tattvas: - Akash is the principle of ether. - Vayu is the etheric principle of the air. - Tejas is the etheric principle of fire. - Prithvi is the etheric principle of the element earth. - Apas is the etheric principle of water. Properties of the Tattvas: ~ Akash: Is exclusively good for Meditation. We advise you to pray a lot during this time. Do not have business or love appointments during this time because you will inevitably fail. This Tattva causes us to make very serious mistakes. If you work during this period, you should then be very careful. (Artists should abstain from working in Akash). Everything that begins with Akash will fail. Akash is the Tattva of death. ~ Vayu: Everything that is velocity and motion corresponds to Vayu, the principle of air. Winds, air, aerial navigation, etc. are related to Vayu. During this period people enjoy speaking ill about their fellowmen, lying, stealing, etc. Usually, airplane accidents happen during this period. Suicides are stimulated by this Tattva. We advise you not to marry during this period because your marriage will be of a short duration. All kinds of simple and fast businesses are very good in Vayu, but businesses that are complex and of long duration result i...

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