TELEVISION is to TELL-A-VISION: It has programs, in order to program the viewer. "Television is one the most effective hypnotic tools out there. It can have a huge influence on the way you think, the beliefs that you hold and consequently how your life turns out. Your subconscious mind, which carries all your memories and beliefs and makes you who you are, is directly programmed by watching television...Your mind slips into the hypnotic trance state within seconds of watching TV. This lowers your brainwaves to a lower ‘alpha state’ commonly associated with meditation and deep relaxation...Under this state of trance, your subconscious mind becomes highly suggestible and whatever information you receive from the TV becomes part of your memory pool. Since beliefs are nothing but memories, this information has the tendency to alter your beliefs or form new ones when it seeps into your subconscious mind. You might think the remote is in your hand and you’re watching the programs but, in truth, you are the one who is getting programmed..." #art #memes #minds #truth #news

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