Fluoride: The mass poisoning of people in the name of “dental hygiene” So nice of the 'government' to subsidize processed sugar then put “fluoride” in the water to supposedly help everyone prevent cavities, even if someone may have an adverse reaction to the fluoride. Most people don’t realize the Fluoride they put in your water is nothing similar to the pharmaceutical grade Sodium Fluoride in many toothpastes, which in itself can be questionable for the dental care, and definitely not meant to be swallowed. Your water is actually filled with Hydrofluorosilicic/Hexafluorosilicic acid. This is a by-product of phosphate mining: “Hydrofluorosilicic Acid, also known as FSA or HFS, is a transparent, colorless, aqueous solution that is used in a variety of applications. One of its most common uses is in the fluoridation of water. FSA is produced during the concentration of phosphoric acid in an evaporation process unique to the phosphate industry. The vapor stream from the phosphoric acid reaction is scrubbed with water to form FSA from the naturally occurring silica and fluorine in the phosphoric acid. The final product is collected, stored and tested prior to release for shipment.” So a by-product of mining, that the EU Dangerous Substance Directive has classified as Toxic and Corrosive, is dumped into your drinking water... If only people cared about things that actually mattered, rather then in things that keep you divided/conquered while they literally put poison in your water that you pay for. You can read about the other uses/warnings of this poison here: https://www.solvay.us/en/binaries/PSS-Fluorosilicic-Acid-164345.pdf http://logoilibrary.com/ch-9-masters-of-manipulation-the-cult-of-inversion/ #memes #truth #minds #news #health

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