BlockInsureME — Blockchain based Extended Warranty and Bonuscard powered by Transcendence When we purchase a product, it implies that it has a warranty period during which the customer, in the case of a problem or a malfunction, can replace the purchased product with another product or service it free of charge. This is especially true for electronic devices. If we take a look at the world of cryptocurrency, particularly at blockchain-based devices, we may say that there has been no progress until recently in order to provide guarantees for purchased blockchain devices (in the first place, we are talking about miners and similar devices). We know from experience that the warranty for the purchased product is an integral part without which the responsible business of the company could not be considered serious anymore. Thus, in the crypto world, the most regular projects give their customers guarantees on purchased devices. Transcendence blockchain follows this trend. They tried to provide its customers with a universal guarantee for their products and devices, which has a number of benefits. BlockInsureME BlockInsureME represents an extended warranty on the services and devices offered by the Transcendence blockchain. The warranty covers purchases on sites such as (for ARES Computer products),, indieGO, … For now, BlockInsureME is a warranty extension, but Transcendence has got plans to work on establishing Universal Insurance for various types of problems including Healthcare in the later stage. If you use BlockInsureME you can earn cashback in the form of TELOS coins when you buy from Partner shops. This cash back is used to protect your purchased goods a whole life long. The more you collect, the more expensive goods are protected against failing. One card protects all purchases as long as the balance of your card is sufficient to pay for the exchange or fixing of the product. The card incl...

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