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I don't know about you guys, the core of the Minds community, but I'm about fed up with all this boosting crud thats been going on for months now. The Minds staff will tell you the cause off the issue was raising the on-chain boost-view limit to 10K. They will tell you because...See more

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I don't know about you guys, the core of the Minds community, but I'm about fed up with all this boosting crud thats been going on for months now. The Minds staff will tell you the cause off the issue was raising the on-chain boost-view limit to 10K. They will tell you because...See more

Daily Earth and Sun Report 9.11.2019 Solar Wind: speed: 447.5 km/sec density: 1.7 protons/cm^3 The coronal hole stream went mostly south of earth – with only the edge weakly clipping earth’s magnetic field. All telemetry is calm and space weather is quiet. 6:46 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQlxcsXiYAc ............................................................................................................................................................ #science #space #nature #earthscience #nasa

Here is a fantastic image of the 'Seven Strong Men' in Russia, 'supporting' the Milky-way. Just west of the Ural Mountains lies the unusual Manpupuner rock formations; one of the Seven Wonders of Russia. How these ancient 130 feet-tall pillars formed is still a mystery today. Local legends say they are the remains of seven Samoyed giants. While on a forced march through the Urals, heading across the mountain ranges to decimate the Vogulsky people, their Shaman, the largest of the seven, beat a drum to keep his comrades moving relentlessly on towards their quarry. However, he caught sight of the holy Volgulsky Mountains. He let go of his drum and all seven giants froze to the spot. ...................................................................................................................................................... #science #earthscience #space #nature #culture

More from Luculent

I don't know about you guys, the core of the Minds community, but I'm about fed up with all this boosting crud thats been going on for months now. The Minds staff will tell you the cause off the issue was raising the on-chain boost-view limit to 10K. They will tell you because...See more

Daily Earth and Sun Report 9.11.2019 Solar Wind: speed: 447.5 km/sec density: 1.7 protons/cm^3 The coronal hole stream went mostly south of earth – with only the edge weakly clipping earth’s magnetic field. All telemetry is calm and space weather is quiet. 6:46 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQlxcsXiYAc ............................................................................................................................................................ #science #space #nature #earthscience #nasa

Here is a fantastic image of the 'Seven Strong Men' in Russia, 'supporting' the Milky-way. Just west of the Ural Mountains lies the unusual Manpupuner rock formations; one of the Seven Wonders of Russia. How these ancient 130 feet-tall pillars formed is still a mystery today. Local legends say they are the remains of seven Samoyed giants. While on a forced march through the Urals, heading across the mountain ranges to decimate the Vogulsky people, their Shaman, the largest of the seven, beat a drum to keep his comrades moving relentlessly on towards their quarry. However, he caught sight of the holy Volgulsky Mountains. He let go of his drum and all seven giants froze to the spot. ...................................................................................................................................................... #science #earthscience #space #nature #culture