Up Next! Friday, July 26th, 2019 (Episode No.153) 50 Years of Manson World Open-House and Round-table Join us HERE, via #DLIVE - https://dlive.tv/WPRPN Welcome friends, folks, foes, and fellow Pirate mateys! We take this week to reflect upon the past 50 years since the notorious so-called #Manson murders. A life-long criminal and charismatic con, Charlie has been credited by some as being "The Man Who Killed the 1960's." Adopting an open-house, round-table format, we'll be sure to explore this issue and many others, including: - Where are all the so-called Manson cult members now? - How accurate was Vincent's Bugliosi's "Helter Skelter" version of events? - Under police surveillance for quite some time, WHY did it take so long for Charlie to be arrested? - Are there any MORE unsolved murders family members may have been responsible for? - How much of #HOLLYWOOD had Manson REALLY come to know? https://twitter.com/PRPNetwork1/status/1157261991188152320 https://gab.com/WPRPN/posts/102550614877048198 https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1003994290623442944 N.B. Continuing to BOYCOTT as many You-tube and GOOGLE services as possible, have your thoughts, comments and questions ready for the text chat area, as we produce yet another Friday night feature show, streaming out to the world via #DLIVE. Friday, August 2nd, 8 PM PST - LA, Vancouver, Seattle, Baja 11 PM EST - Chicago, New York, Toronto, Miami (12 PM Saturday NOON in Tokyo & Seoul) https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/ Be sure to check out our weekly "World Pirate Radio News™" stream, the same time EACH and EVERY TUESDAY Night (Wednesday afternoons in Asia) FREE! SIGN-UP VIA #WPRPNhttps://www.wprpn.com/wp-login.php https://www.wprpn.com/wp-signup.php

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