
This is a news and op-ed aggregation Channel. By analyzing the nature of the lies that corporate media outlets tell, a skilled Truther can extrapolate to the truth which MSM are trying to hide with an almost intuitive level of speed and accuracy. Notice to pedophiles and child-traffickers: (NIV) Luke 17:2  It would be better for them to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around their neck than to cause one of these little ones to stumble.
Cognitive Dissonance: Excessive mental discomfort when fact confronts beliefs "The only thing real is the unexpected... everything else is an illusion.".... So what do you "know?.... "You have to let it all go... fear, doubt, disbelief..... FREE, YOUR, MIND..." It is self-evident... we are creatures living in a created reality.... Wake up. Today, professors are the high priests of the dogmatic belief systems of secular society. Athiests, secularists, humanists are the zealots of our era.... propagating 19th Century superstitions in the 21st Century... declaring heretical all other points of view -- Watch and inform yourselves... free your minds.
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Hii, I am Veronica and I am from Chicago. I am a computer information systems manager and I am responsible for administering and implementing all computer-related technologies, including network security, Internet operations, and software upgrades. I meet daily many persons and one day I met a person he is astrology and he told me about Kisi Ko Vash me Karne Ka Mantra. I thought this mantra is very helpful for lovers and others.
Apr 2021
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