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Budding miniature painter looking to broaden horizons on alternate social media. Looking to share, learn, and grow with other fans of miniatures. Commissions open Sales of non-commissioned minis on Ebay/Etsy can find my alternate profile for my other life hobbies @theminiatureprepper
Just some random french canadian. I will just post random comments from time to time. I try to keep informed but I don't want to fall in the Twitter pitfall of a constant political exposure. At least, I can comment freely. And I enjoy art, sexiness and the mix of both.
◈ INTP ◈ Pagan ◈ Misanthropic Egalitarian ◈ Dissident Liberal ◈ Pseudo Psychologist ◈ Schrödinger's Game Dev ◈ Games Marketing Specialist ◈
Business page for Institute 27 Films, an independent film production company operating in the North East of England.
Gunpla builder, Monster hunter, and ooccasional shit poster.
Artist that makes weird art
Well I’m a relatively unimportant person but I’ve been told I take good pictures and that I’m a good streamer. so I guess I consider myself an amateur photographer who streams video games on the side
Student at SNHU, studying Computer Science, with an eventual hope of working for Boston Dynamics designing and programming automaton to help manual laborers. The biggest challenge is making them affordable.
Well this is always hard but I'm mostly into sculpting, music production and gardening. I started this to have a space to have a outlet.i will be posting any of my works of art
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Jan 2021
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