Mike Keto

keto lifestyle
Joined #Minds on 08-13-2018 If you wish to support my channel by sending crypto instead of Minds tokens (which are always welcome) please send using one of the following coins and THANK YOU for your support! ETH - 0x1AB17fee582cAf3A5db13df0Ef0551B9529a7989 SHIB - 0x8d818b91F45568091fbc05A63E610B6DFC9CfC79 BAT - 0x38959105508b0E88a94B037296f0bea945e200D4 XLM - GDQP2KPQGKIHYJGXNUIYOMHARUARCA7DJT5FO2FFOOKY3B2WSQHG4W37
Custom art and commissions are available - just ask. Mountain dweller, fine artist, history, philosophy, aesthetic, shitposting memes, self-sufficiency, permaculture, esoteric occult theosophy, mmorpg. Anti-feminist/pro white men, sub-fem, alt-trad, Libertarian Eco-Nationalist, 1A, 2A. KetoAF. Walking-the-walk living debt-free; trying my best to be a decent human being and live an ethical life. ****** Support my other half in his quest to teach redpill masculine dharma: https://www.subscribestar.com/philosophical-dharma Support our writing and illustration via books: https://www.amazon.com/Essays-Theravada-Buddhism-Writings-Incendiary/dp/B096ZHKY9D/ref=sr_1_4?dchild=1&qid=1633476843&refinements=p_27%3AJohn+David+Reynolds&s=books&sr=1-4&text=John+David+Reynolds ****** Politics: Pol[y] = many Tic[k]s = blood sucking parasites ~Blackpilled.Libertarianish.Independant.Consitution.Eco-Nationalist~ ****** You'll find here: Original content, Dark humor, heavy sarcasm, satire, and memetic #shitposting Unfollow if you report memes (thanks mom) ****** Ancestry: ~ US; Swiss, English/Irish, Eastern Euro, and Scandinavian heritage in order.~ ****** Music: ~darkwave, post punk, post rock, death metal, black metal, early goth, traditional folk/Americana, classical~ ****** ETH: 0x2b1E17F4049ad8D6596042b0554436Dd1724CF88 Use my referral link and WELCOME to Minds: https://www.minds.com/register?referrer=wench ****** ~Support Alt Techs that promote 1A~ Purism Privacy Software Dissenter Browser Brave Browser Epik Domains Proton Mail Bitchute Minds Parler Gab II I .
Independant Journalism Journalism is biased. Why pretend it's not? NPR does but so does most of the mainstream media, but they suck. We want to give a new source of media to an underepresented population: the free thinkers. The iconoclasts.
Yup I am here to fight for my freedom of expression and yours ,migrated from googleplus and utube(still present there,for now). Let's have even more fun here shall we ??? Truly free from censorship,I'm ready for it !!:) Are you?!! (may add more to this if i need to) cheers!!
Want to live the lazy keto lifestyle?
Health Advocate, Photographer, Videographer, Influencer, Creative, Minimalist, Bad Musician, Karaoke Fan, Youtuber, Keto Coach, Intermittent Faster, DJ, Podcaster Watch me on DLIVE and Follow me there for the latest Live Streams.... https://dlive.tv/ScottTheTruckDriver?ref=scottthetruckdriver Search for ScottTheTruckDriver and follow... Support my content with Bitcoin Wallet Address 377bA16T9PTCKULNaMjxbQBwbggiM6LCV9 Leave a tip on my website.. https://scottthetruckdriver.com/support
Dec 2019
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