Sher and Katerina - Our Life & Health Journeys [hd 720p] Original on YouTube: BitChute Mirror: Minds Mirror: LBRY Mirror: This version has audio quality improvements done by PSECmedia. Though the audio is still far from perfect, it is much better relative to the original. Here is the original text description: "In this video Kat and I (Sher) tell our life stories, our health stories, with lots of hands on heartfelt wisdom that we have learned through our experiences. Check out our instagram and services below! Instagram: @Sher.angad @Katerina_cantadora We offer personal coaching calls, retreats in our home in Kauai, Hawaii, and personal live in retreats as well. If you work with us we will change your life as long as you are open to help. Mahalo Youtube family, thank you for watching! :)"

<!--?xml encoding="utf-8" ?--><p><b>Original on YouTube:</b> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer...See more


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