Minds Groups Overhaul Project - Proposed Changes and Bug Fixes
Establish a proper group hierarchy consisted of four levels, with the following capabilities
Member: Current member capabilities with the addition of an indicator of membership Moderator: Delete posts, ban users temporarily
Admin: All of the powers of Moderator, plus the ability to create Moderators and remove all of a member’s posts with a click
Owner: All of the powers of the previous three with the added ability to create Admins take the group offline and/or cut group. Only the creator of the group is owner.
(Transfer of said ownership is a matter for future discussion)
1. Member Search does not function correctly (some members are not displayed)
2. Posts count was removed from Group header section, please return this counter
3. IOS and Android app has no option to remove from group
4. IOS and Android App has approval notice that does not update
5. Banner black/white gradient overlay needs to go
6. Moderator role not effective (see Hierarchy section)
7. Group Owner banned by an appointed Admin
8. Co-owner abolished and replaced with Admin (see Hierarchy Section)
9. Banning a user doesn’t prevent them from interacting on all posts
10. For groups, a moderation option to give a reason why you rejected a post
1. Group description built-in tags have no effect in Site Search
2. Tags in Group posts are not indexed in Site Search
3. Hyperlinked Group and Channel post tags return no results in Site Search TOP/Default results
4. Suggest TOP returns results in this order for unique tags
5. Groups
6. Group Posts
7. Group comments (Ideally)
1. Group Image Posts upload automatically to library upon inserting, before actually posting Notifications:
2. Group notifications need a dedicated manager
3. Need notifications on joins, posts, comments
4. Notifications cannot be lost in Notifications feed and be separated and persistent until read
5. Notifications be consistent for all owned groups and all members**
Suggested new formula for listing groups at the top as the recently implemented algorithm artificially inflates this figure by sign that it is TOP and not TRENDING a TOP = (Members x Posts) + Up-votes + Reminds + Comments + Views b TRENDING = (Joins x Posts) + Up-votes + Reminds + Comments + Views These should enable a viewing within a day/week/month period
Group Features: (The needed features to manage a group)
1. Pinned posts in Groups
3. TOP groups rated according to (Members x Posts) + Upvotes + Reminds + Views + Comments
4. TRENDING category added and rated by (Joins x Posts) + Upvotes + Reminds + Comments and using day, week and month timeline to see what’s hot
5. The option, when banning an person, to remove all content in the group from said individual
6. A notification of ALL joins posts and comments, (and join requests in moderate groups)
7. Notifications organised and kept until read, not lost in an endless feed
8. Option to Skip over 50, 100, 1000 group posts as well as First and Last posts
9. Remind to Group option
10. The ability to view members in a list view in addition to the beautiful but tedious and time-consuming thumbnails
11. The ability to sort list alphabetically as well as by date joined
12. Admin and Moderator members filter or displayed at the beginning of a list and on Member icon
13. Most active member filter/sort
14. Search within a group via group page button
15. Access to options that would enable the gathering of meaningful statistics ie. a reporting system for OWNED GROUPS
16. Report Members influence in the group's stats in the form of submitting content, commenting on posts, and liking or reminding posts This report categorised by stat, alphanumeric, and date
17. Posts ranked by above stats
18. Group activity in the way of posts/day, monthly ear
19. Banned members report
20. Joins report by day, month, year
21. A generated page of all groups on Minds
22. Give the ability for members to use built-in group tags for their posts instead of typing
23. Generate group member list to text file
24. Favourite Groups option
25. “A POST TO ALL MEMBERS” option
26. Group Owner, Admin and Moderator incentives (tokens)
27. The ability to get up vote stats on a particular posts comments grouped by user
28. Admins/Mods given points for checking into the group and interacting with posts in the group
29. Owner traffic incentives
30. Choose if group posts are also posted to your timeline (off by default)
Closed Groups:
1. prevent reminding or sharing a post from a closed group
2. do not search index closed group
3. Prevent access to closed groups URL
4. Administrators have access to all features that are included within regular groups.
1. Group boost stats per user and group totals.
2. Group posts boostable to the main feed instead or in addition to the sidebars
Additional Feature Requests:
1. List of owned groups including post count in parentheses
2. Ability to assign privileges from any user icon in a group
3. Selectable pre-defined group semantic tags (hashtags) available to group members when posting new content
References & Other Resources:
* Minds Community Open Source Initiative