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location_onSan Francisco
Software engineer
When the government tells you it's safe to go to Home Depot to buy a sponge but dangerous to go and buy a flower, it's not about your health. When the government shuts down millions of private businesses but doesn’t lay off a single government employee, it's not about your health. When the government bans dentists because they’re unsafe, but deems abortion is“essential,” it's not about your health. When the government prevents you from buying cucumber seeds but allows in-person lottery ticket sales, it's not about your health. When the government tells you it's dangerous to go golf alone, fish alone or be in a motorboat alone, but the politicians get their stage makeup and hair done for multiple TV appearances a week, it's not about your health. When the government puts you IN a jail cell for walking in a park with your child but lets criminals OUT of jail cells for their health, it’s not about YOUR health! When the government tells you it’s too dangerous to get treated by a doctor of chiropractic or physical therapy treatments, yet deems a liquor store essential, it’s not about your health! When the government lets you go to the grocery store or hardware store but is demanding mail-in voting, it’s not about your health. When the government raises taxes during a worldwide pandemic, it’s not about your health. When the government encourages you to snitch on your neighbours for violating what it deems contrary to its power, not unlike the brown shirts of history, it’s not about your health. When the government replies to protests with threats, it’s not about your health. When the government closes Christian churches but allows mosques to remain open, and imposes disobedience fines never before written into any local, state, or federal law, it’s not about your health. When the government threatens gun confiscation laws amidst its push for authoritarianism and tyranny, it’s not about your health. When a government supports a Communist regime, a group of united nations bent on world dominance, and a worldwide health organization that lied via propaganda in order to facilitate a “one-world government” agenda, it’s not about your health. When a government leader holds your civil rights hostage while simultaneously threatening MANDATORY/forced vaccines, microchips, or “get out of jail free” cards regarding your personal health status, it’s not about your health. WAKE UP PEOPLE — If you think this is all about your health, you’re mistaken! Please open your eyes
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Ripple $$$ forever.
Security Guy. Avid Writer. Free Thinker. My first viral video got banned 5 days after I posted it.
StrollWhistleExistLove&BUYBTC btc beggar recent graduate gotatininmyhandandagleaminmyeye get some good vibes and part with some spare sats. or get some more consumer goods and reinforce your subjective self-concept. Hell, be like me and do both because you are human and it feels good. For the former: 1NgswZt4Uqdo88Vk43baBRQjg4bDnZYcbj #revengeofthenerds #flowwiththeuniverse #respect For the latter: #themanufacturingofconsent #owningcoolshitisfun #respect breed btc,donate part profits to former selves. learning how to fish is pointless without bait. give and receive with grace. teach and learn with diligence. (emotional & mental freedom cannot be bought true physical freedom cannot be taught) LEARNlearnlearnlearn #TA #EWT MASTERS CONSISTENTLY PROFIT JACKS GET LIQUIDATED. BE HUMBLE BE TEACHABLE......... SPECIALISE, PERSONALISE, MAKE YOUR OWN FINAL JUDGEMENTS get yours. give GENEROUSLY GOOD KARMA AND FREEDOM = JOY.... and....GET SOME DAMN DIRT ON YA HANDS, FEEL THE BREEZE ON YOUR SKIN!!! live it while we got it. PEACE to every fuckstain, champion and everyone in between. Yep, even you, you angry scared yapping dogs. LOVE TO ALL.
San Francisco
Jul 2020
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