
I'm a simple man. Honesty, Integrity, and having an open mind are the things I care about. I enjoy science, reading, video and board games, TV and movies, music, Linux, Magic the Gathering and discussing Theology.
FaithUnchained is an online ministry dedicated to bringing you the gospel message of Jesus Christ. Clink the link below to subscribe to our channel. Subscribe to our YouTube:
A little bit of this and a little bit of that.
Author of After Megiddo Entrepreneur Techie If you would like to donate, here is my eth wallet: 0x54b7c46d3908A8DcE822bEF2255e1912bAf236CD
Tech Enthusiast and SciFi Nerd
love people and the planet
I'm here to remind, post and talk about anything that interest me, I love music and nature you're free to remind my activities welcome to my channel
Sharing content in the etheric world of the internet of what I do and find interesting
Anything it takes to be eligible
#ClownWorld content, #MEMES, and #ThingsThatMakeYouGoHmm - $XMR - 43xtRJEHk2XHXAfSBAYB7aPKvykvBesv2gV61ku1q3T6AD7pC3uwmZKBgRto9AcSBJTixsREWWtZf1hu1hmeKMtyETGS6m6
I am not Pro (Russia-China-Cuba-Venezuela-Brazil-United States) I am Pro-Humanity I don't believe in (Communism, Capitalism, Imperialism, Monarchism, Socialism) I believe in Humanism I don't believe in Competition but in Cooperation We do not live in a globalised world, but in a globe. When you say (My Exceptionalism, Nationalism, National Socialism...) I say Yes... WE ARE ALL Exceptional, we all live in a Nation, we are all Social beings.... When someone asked Buddha 'What God do you believe in' he replied 'What God do you believe in?'💕✨😏 My pronouns: 'Stop, making, up, bullshlt'.
Stand for the Flag kneel for the Cross Maranatha Jesus is the knocking at the Door Answer!
Aug 2021
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