Linda Cochrane

What is The Scariest Movie Ever Made? -The one you're living in and don't even know it! My name is KJ Ozborne. Welcome to the show!
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I followed KJ Ozborne (TheScrariestMovieEver) on YT, over. He puts out excellent content.I LOVE The Lord God Almighty & Jesus Christ is my Lord & Savior, The Holy Spirit resides in me:) I AM loved
このチャンネルは私のお尻が太って見えるのですか? My YouTube Channel:
Lover of freedom. Pro-nationalist, pro-freedom, pro-trump, pro-borders, pro-bmw, pro-conservative, pro-gun, pro-capitalism, pro-constitution, anti-liberal, anti-feminist, anti-globalist, anti-communist, anti-lbgtqrxz, anti-islam, anti-diversity, anti-sjw, anti-immigration. Conservative concerned about the state of affairs in the globalist-infected, liberal-infested western world which is being overrun by migrant invaders and destroyed by a genocidal globalist plot to destroy western society.
what the heck is goin' on? nobody's ever seen anything like it! ——- whatever ‘it’ may or may not be, eh?
Hi! 😚 My nаme is Lisa! 😇 I want to meet а mаn fоr lоve! 😉 chесk link - , my login - maljerkrate1971 😊 I'll wait fоr yоu 💛😇😍
Sharing my vision of the Web 3.0 landscape and how we can successfully navigate the digital transformation of AI & blockchain as the host of Tech & Things. - all my social channels and latest posts can be found here
Many thanks to all who have Subscribed, given Up-Votes & Shared this channel content. I Aim to Recipricate all Shared "Reminds"! If you are interested in restoring individual sovereignty and would like to support my efforts.:: LTC: LKU6WaT6qiRPXTBpgrL5sDe9heYKww84tU BTC: 37UxguVeUvDe8bSSUJU8y7aM4jksnwEGQw ETH: 0xa1d458d9d7a53c851f9ed54b2bab649966c31c74 ARRR: zs165auk20pwwapzgq6qh8m3dmr9qk6krdvwc06rl8n5vv3p8s4zzuc3kvjmtqxqqq52z4z6hfrn8e QORT: QQho3FL1KZ3gFV446FCPzayDVxWWeFH55e
Dec 2016
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