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Minds for new user (basic guide)

lord of no uJan 11, 2021, 6:46:37 PM

Hi, i was doing my minds tutorial for thai user who using minds, so i want to translate it for other people to see it 

+ thanks michael for tokens, i already spend it for boosting.

How to change profile picture / cover

  • visit your profile page
  • click edit channel
  • There're 2 icon that you can change (profile and cover) click either profile or cover to add profile / cover image
  • p.s. if you're on pc, you need to manually crop your image before uploading 
  • you can set your bio for introducing yourself, or tell something on your minds
  • *if you're joining thai community you "need" to change your profile picture or cover, or else you'll get block as soon as you're subscribe 
  • About info is where you can change your name, add location, change date of birth
  • Hashtags is where you can add some hashtag you like
  • Social links = if you're creator that create works outside minds, or want to show off something, you can post your link here! 

Newsfeed / Posting

Minds is look like twitter there's system like like or remind. so who's using twitter before will feel similar but there's some system that minds interesting like 

  • Minds have both like and dislike button
  • Like : author will get network score (it's for revenue called "token")
  • Dislike : author will not get any network score
  • Remind : author will get network score
  • Quote : both who quote and author will got network score, but author will got more than usual

Posting and some information like NSFW, Monetize, etc.

For now (12 jan) minds currently allow posting only 1 picture (except blog), it'll be change in the future. when posting, you'll see menu like this

here's details : 

  • Upload : Upload image or video (only 1 picture / 1 video per post)
  • NSFW (Not safe for work) : for making post NSFW (like nude, porn or gore image)
  • Monetize : for minds+ user to submit post into minds+ pool (for making money)
  • Tags : put tags into post (for make it easy to see for other user) like #minds

there's more detail when you press 3-dot menu : 

Visibility : you'll have control to set visibility for other user, there'll be 3 menu 

  1. Unlisted : only you who can see it (aka. private)
  2. Loggedin : only user who login to minds can see it
  3. Public : Everyone can see it

License is for creator who post his / her creating

Permaweb is for upload your post into decentralized storage (minds using arweave)
post with permaweb will be like this and you can be access at arweave blockchain

Example of permaweb post (there'll be permaweb icon next to views)

You can set schedule for posting here's example for schedule post

How to set schedule post

  • at compose tool click menu that next to post (arrow down icon), then click "schedule post"
  • Set Date and time / Timezone you want to then save. and you can post normally


wallet is where you can check your earning during day. payout depending on where your live. there's few menu like 

  • Overview : you can check graph for token you earning here
  • Transactions : it's for checking what you got or spend token for (eg : if you pay someone .1 token you can check here)
  • Settings : for setting on-chain address
  • Minds currently support 3 wallet is : Metamask, Walletconnect protocoI, coinbase


This is where your money come from, it's tool for submitting your post into minds+ pool for earning money 

current price (12 jan 21) is : 48 tokens / year or 60$ / year


This is example of minds+ post (there'll have minds+ logo at top right)

 Rule for minds+ post : 

  • No hyperlink, only original content
  • You can post whatever you want as long it won't break term of service
  • Minds+ reward is inconsistent, it'll be up or down depending on how well it's perform, and how much people submit into minds+ pool
  • More network score = more reward
  • More user = more harder reward you'll get, in return, you'll get consistent reward instead. 

How to submit into minds+ : 

  • at compose tool click at monetize
  • accept term of services
  • Click "save", then you can post normally
  • You can visit minds+ section for overview / latest minds+ posts


This is where you can track anything on your channel like : 

  • Likes
  • Reminds
  • Pageviews
  • Earning (for minds+ user)
example page of analytics (earning page)


This is where you'll see post from everything you interested (from tags) you can customized tags here : 

  • clicked "your tags"
  • Click "Manage tags"
  • Add your tag that you want to see, then click save tags

Search bar

It's tool for searching channel, group or tag that you're interesting (search bar is powered by elasticsearch)


Minds have message system for chatting, first time you using minds will ask you to set your password *and it's IMPORTANT, DON'T LOSE IT.

it you have someone you interested and wanna chat here's tutorial 

  • visit who you want to have a message
  • click message icon
  • then you will be able to send a message

Tips (aka. minds pay)

You can send your token to someone you like here's tutorial 

  • visit who you want to give a tip
  • click $ icon
  • Set token that you want to pay, then click "Send * token"

How to switch between Dark / Light (Web)

  • Click at your profile
  • Click "Enter Light / Dark mode"


Group is for gathering people to discussing, or posting their images. there're 2 sub menu 

New group = for creating new group

Discover Groups = for finding group to join

How to create group

  • click "New group"
  • Fill about group information then click "create group"
  • Open = everyone can see it, and when you post, everyone will see it on your newsfeed
  • Close = everyone who not in a group will not able to see your post.

How to add image / cover

  • Click config (cog icon), then click "Edit"
  • *There're sub menu that you can use to manage your group like Enable moderation, make this group closed/open 

Click at group icon or cover and choose image file 

click at cog icon then click "save"

Boost Content

You can spend token to make your post likely to see by other users, there's few rule for boosting : 

  • you can boost "anything" that it's yours (including minds+ posts)
  • current price is 1 token / 1000 views 
  • on web, you can easily boost your post by click "boost" at bottom right of your post
  • you can visit boost console for see post that you're currently post 
  • click profile icon, then click "Boost console"
  • This is example that my blog post is currently boosted

Canary (Beta feature)

minds canary is for minds user who want to try beta features, but beware there're more bug than usual (because it's canary)

how to change to canary

  • click at "Join" icon
  • you'll got welcome notification for joining canary

if i have error or typo, please tell me. this guide will not cover everything on minds, but i'll try to cover basic features on minds

this guide isn't cover pro feature (because i'm not become pro yet, sorry)