Kaiser Shuff

A Canadian couple with a Podcast. I'm Trans, Trans national. I identify as American
Channel dedicated to all veterans, past, present and future. Subscribe, Share, Support. Please follow our minds group https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/803056603186888704
American Warrior & strong believer in the ideals that makes America great. Time to take these American hating shit bags to task. Let this be a task force for truth, freedom & the rejection of the globalist bullshit narrative & their puppets. Join in establishing integrity & justice back into our centralized corrupted system. Don't buy into the two party dynamic bullshit. We are all independent thinkers. Above all, truth, honor, freedom, integrity. I am neither left nor right. It's about right and wrong. Fuck your label boxes. First we take down the immediate threat to our Republic, the dims and their international backers, then we take down the RINO cowardly compromised fucks on the other side. I don't post and share for reward(s); however, if you would like to send me wires or maybe in the future patreon, if I do a page, I will buy some high grade whiskey and handmades and toast to your honor. #FucktheDeepState #RICOtheDeepState #2A #MindsVets #FuckPedos My Groups #MindsVets https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/803056603186888704 #FuckFakeNews https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/812074933861588992 #THFCoalition https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/784656395734622216 #QAnon #Breadcrumbs https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/775872105798443028 Western Civilization & Current Events https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/761524637162020864 Real Shitlords https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/755112606615740417 Concerned Minds #FuckPedos https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/730601007318310912 Trolls R Us https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/733870233843933184
ALTERNATE CURRENT RADIO - has arrived at Minds.com - Looking for a safe haven away from the Soros and Zuckerberg controlled feeds where all our hard work is algorithm'd out of existence. We are a grass roots media organization that runs a 24/7 radio network out of our Texas studio. We produce live and recorded radio shows including Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen, Boiler Room with Hesher, Spore, Jay Dyer, Daniel Spaulding, Fvnk Soul, Infidel Pharaoh, Randy J, Jamie Hanshaw and a host of other guests. Find us on the web at: www.alternatecurrentradio.com Find our Spreaker channel at: https://www.spreaker.com/user/acrnetwork Visit our broadcast partners, www.jaysanalysis.com www.ukcolumn.com www.21stcenturywire.com
A podcast and more covering the history of the Cold War with a strong emphasis on telling the story through the pop culture of the times. www.coldwarcast.com
I'm a nerd trying to escape all of Google and Twitter's bullshit. I'm a liberal anti-theist who hates conservatives and SJWs alike.
Mar 2018
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