Julian's Touch

Esoterism, Consciousness, Mysteries ..
Hello, my pen-name is Annie Dieu-Le-Veut and I write books on shamanism, Earth magic, the Grail Mysteries, Sovereignty magic and sacred sexuality. I also decode ancient myths to show how they are actually the vessels or arks of our ancestors sailing the seas of Time and containing, deep in their submarinal holds, precious messages about our innate holographic relationship to eternal astrological and alchemical cycles which drive each of us along our life’s path. You can read more about my books at my blog: Stories in the Stars https://anniedieuleveut.com/
Welcome to #LandMinds! Viral reach spreading outside of #Minds! Plant your Land Minds to spread the social revolution! This is a decentralized, cryptic, slap-tagging game with prizes and many ways to participate. Get working on creating your own stickers, flyers, or looking for methods to participate and start winning points! Step 1: Choose LandMinds https://www.minds.com/blog/view/530150021585182720 Step 2: Print & Stick! (We have paste tutorials) (; Step 3: Make sure to take a picture of your work before you leave the scene. Tag @Land_Minds / #LandMinds in the description of your post! Step 4: Profit in sweet sweet Minds points! We're starting with a pregame, purely to load up cities with taggers before we begin the official game. THANK YOU to #LandMinders already kicking some serious butt to get the game off the ground, (well, maybe on the ground depending how you look at it). For alternative methods of participation: https://www.minds.com/blog/view/543345488481492992 And take a few minutes to read some of our suggestions: https://www.minds.com/blog/view/5298857155724697
"La vérité vous libérera. Mais d'abord elle va vous emmerder" - Gloria Steinem -
French Director based in Paris
May All Be Free! no suffering, no bullshit ~ Peace
NWO_down. The unofficial minds channel of Truthstream Media.
Spiritualist. I am a vagrant. I am a vagabond. I live light and logical. I'm 40 years old. I don't believe in privilege by natural selection. I don't believe in speculative judgement of the human soul. I'm gay 🌈but I don't make my whole life about which team I'm pitching for in the sack. It's just insignificant to my lessons. I'm sorry. Love is love. I love my haters so your free to join us! I do it myself. Fuck the system... I'm a homeless spiritualist. Been this way for 4 years. This will change. Time is a confusing illusion... The Great Awakening starts with you. The more you learn about #NaturalLaw you will notice things around you taking a different shape. My friend it is you that is changing. Take back your power. Subscribe today. Cashapp $OneGreatWork paypal.me/AlchemistX Twitter @TerryKendrix GoFundMe https://gofund.me/e9b85b2f
A luminescent, transcendental visionary and empathic, synchronistic spiritualist || Conscious Communicator || Filmmaker || Artist || Explorer
May 2016
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