Sophia Tara

NO DUALITY ° NO TIME We have played in the illusion of duality for a while. This was all our projection, and we are remembering that. There is a collective awakening happening. You are not this body, neither are you this mind, you aren’t even the one perceiving it. The truth is that we are born awake, and only put to “sleep” by the programming we were fed and fed ourselves. You brought this to yourself, you are worthy of being completely free, awake to your true power and completely aligned with your higher self. This is a time where these truths are becoming clearer and clearer to the collective here on Earth.Nothing needs to be done, just embrace that its time to leave behind the age of using mind for constraint and limitation, and to tune it in favor of liberation, soul freedom, oneness and Rememberance. Be blessed brother and sister I am you and you are me
NO DUALITY ° NO TIME We have played in the illusion of duality for a while. This was all our projection, and we are remembering that. There is a collective awakening happening. You are not this body, neither are you this mind, you aren’t even the one perceiving it. The truth is that we are born awake, and only put to “sleep” by the programming we were fed and fed ourselves. You brought this to yourself, you are worthy of being completely free, awake to your true power and completely aligned with your higher self. This is a time where these truths are becoming clearer and clearer to the collective here on Earth.Nothing needs to be done, just embrace that its time to leave behind the age of using mind for constraint and limitation, and to tune it in favor of liberation, soul freedom, oneness and Rememberance. Be blessed brother and sister I am you and you are me
Oct 2019
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Oct 2019
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