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đđ¨Mixed bag of treatsđ¨đ
Photo taker and photography admirer. Beauty seer. Spiritual goddess. Nature wonderer. Free spirit treasure finder. Truth speaker. Lover of the Moon. The poet & artist. Punk. Creator of life. Peace maker. Tree hugger. Bohemian badass. Lover of the dark & gothic. Gemini. Freak.
Just a mama who doesn't have time to give fucks. Gives hugs, baked goods and devoted friendship. I ReMind stuff a lot. I don't always agree with it. Sometimes, it's bullshit or funny or thought-provoking or just ridiculous. However, since i encourage discussion, i ReMind it for others to discuss. I also routinely talk to myself on camera at https://m.youtube.com/channel/UClIhNlS1M2OVxHE7WwPpA8A
and beg for shekels here: