
bongtanian ambassador to kekistan.
Original horror and science fiction stories. A 3d animated independent series.
I'm just a Christian guy who's sick of jewish manipulation. Prepping for the new age. 1488.
Fuck the Government!
norse heathen(mostly Tribalist) kekistani meme poster. I will fight for my freedom! #FreeKekistan #FreeLePen #freealexjones please don't wire me anything there are many who deserve your tokens more
Just a mama who doesn't have time to give fucks. Gives hugs, baked goods and devoted friendship. I ReMind stuff a lot. I don't always agree with it. Sometimes, it's bullshit or funny or thought-provoking or just ridiculous. However, since i encourage discussion, i ReMind it for others to discuss. I also routinely talk to myself on camera at https://m.youtube.com/channel/UClIhNlS1M2OVxHE7WwPpA8A and beg for shekels here: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=2934701&ty=h&u=2934701
Just some dude online
I go by the alias FollowTheTruth because try to look at politics and life in general from the bases of what is True and what is Not and try to choose the side that I seems to be the most True. With the posts that I make I do not deny that they look at the issue from my perspective and as such ask that you share your perspectives with me so that we can both come to the consensus about what is True. But I will always try to give my posts at-least a starting bases in the indisputable truth. Thanks
Jan 2016
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