"A great inner revolution in just a single individual will help achieve a change in the destiny of a nation and, further, will cause a change in the destiny of humankind." Daisaku Ikeda
Can one person's spiritual journey help make the world a better place?
Brainstorming Ideas, Commonsense, Outside of the box thinking, Truth, Facts and Opinions sharing,
Anti war, Anti Globalism and fed up with with lying politicians, lying mainstream media and lying elites of the world. Interested in Social Networking, World News, Geopolitics, Photography, spiritual ... I also stand for individual freedom.
I stand against violence and corruption.
I stand for my right to speak.
I stand for my right to pray and practice my own faith,
I stand for my right to agree or not,
I stand for any cause that save Environment and Wildlife,
I stand for World Peace,
I stand to help the Unfortunate, the needy, the abandoned kids and create a smile in every Human Face...
We All Are Human, Descendants of Adam & Eve, we share the same earth, sky ,sun moon and Air lets defend dements
A Global Wire Service - The corrupt, legacy media has lost all credibility. Follow an American company with reporters located all over the world. http://cdm.press
I'm Independent/Conservative, I do not subscribe to any political party but I strongly lean right.
Anti Zionist, Nationalist
I seek the truth.
Try to be open minded.
I believe in free speech, and 2nd amendment,
believe in gun control “as in” hit what you are aiming at.
Love My Guns and pity anyone that tries to take them from me!
I'm a Vietnam Vet USMC. I will indeed defend the Constitution of these United States of America to my death.
Am not anti government,I'm just anti this corrupt so called government.
I can not and will not believe ANYTHING that This Government says or does.
I am indeed in support of President Trump. At least at this point in time.
“Drain the SWAMP.”
I believe the Jews/Israel/Banksters/CIA/Military industrial complex, are the Enemies of these United States and her people and Needs to be DELETED/SWITCHED OFF and scattered to the 4 winds.
I am still a work in progress AND subject to change my mind at any time
Greetings, beloved Earthlings, Lightworkers,
We are the Ascended Bastards, spiritually superior in every way. We are working hard at this time to subtly influence your minds and seduce you all into the Luciferian New Age of Aquarius with the promise of love and false light, debt forgiveness, the end of the cabal, 5D Ascension, and a golden era of peace - at a price, of course.
"Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves."
"There will come a day, when all the lies will collapse under their own weight, and truth will again triumph." ~ Joseph Goebbels
“That which is ready to fall, shall ye also push!?” - Nietzsche
Howdtside Da Baax Edjutainment is a mouthpiece for alternative perspective beyond the knee jerk. A Weigh Knew Whirled !! Join Freelance Scientist Doctor Lenny Thyme. The plan is to stage play learning and create learning environments on human scale that address specific issues of societal repair. Doc Thyme is a PhD chemist, inorganic Group Theory, an educator and a Radio Talk Show Host. Doc works with the Treei calendar of nature to interpret reality using Fibonacci fractal scales. Welcome to Sociochemistry.