Stewardculture Design

Just a small-scale homesteader and permaculture design consultant.
Permaculture Mochizuki was set up in 2020 by two permaculture designers and some friends from the Mochizuki area in order to promote and spread: -regenerative farming practices specifically designed for the small-scale, low energy production of top-quality, high-value vegetables, herbs and cereals -permaculture land-management techniques highly-applicable to the satoyama environment of Nagano prefecture, Japan -permaculture social systems for facilitating access to land, distributing wealth, and encouraging self-sufficiency. And also as a centre for: -seed exchanges; mutual help with setting up ecological and sustainable food production systems -the development of a non-political, alternative society -the sharing of all forms of documentation on and guides to all of the above. This page will also serve as a means of sharing some of my favourite permaculture quotes.
The podcast that doesn't quite fit in.
Here from Beyond to be the change i wish to see in this world The Tribe of Awakening Sovereignty is a Global Community of Solutionaries and Change-makers who are co-creating social, legal, physical, economic and digital system structures that empower all those who choose to embody this unified way of being. Our structure allows for any number of organizations and individuals to come together as SOVEREIGN entities and share resources, tools and knowledge in a way that synergistically uplifts every member of the collaboration. We build communities, facilitate cooperative businesses, fund humanitarian causes, grow gardens and food forests, engineer advanced political and environmental solutions, create then distribute high-quality media experiences, and connect people to knowledge, products and services that empower complete freedom and enlightened states of being. Our mission is to awaken the Sovereignty within the human race by providing housing, education, living wages, food forests, sustainable energy systems, and techniques for conscious expansion to everyone. We move toward this ideal by creating and promoting a variety of products and services that support and enable evermore beings to step into their joy and abundance while serving the whole of humankind. Some of our offerings include: Social media services that spread inspiration and empowerment while paying the messengers; Healing services such as massage, sound alchemy, neurolingustic therapy, breathwork, flow-forms, and Tantra. New age Media and News distribution; A complete spectrum of affordable super-foods that uplift and enhance body and mind; Food forests that self sustain and expand upon themselves, Automated food production technologies; Advanced robotics; Handmade goods; and Autonomous Decentralized tools for new paradigm governance and value distribution. Together we have created the Abundance Network. An ever expanding collective that collaboratively earns and shares value through creating and distributing high quality media experiences, utilizing value generating abundance software, and connecting people to products and services that empower complete independence and enlightened states of being.
I represent a Global Network of Sovereign Revolutionaries choosing to create Solutions for every challenge we face as the human race. We are the Tribe of Awakening Sovereignty. We provide tools for Mental, Physical, Spiritual and Financial Freedom to everyone. Our mission is to empower the human race by creating and expanding sustainable, ethical, cooperative systems of governance and value distribution that meet the needs of all people.
I am a 25 year old revolutionest. My current passion is researching agroecology vs our conventional farming system. Taxes are avoidable, humans are free, and our bullshit system will fail. Hells ya :)
Strawberry C-Store is a retail brand in the form of convenience store.
# *Designated Survivor * # # *Chickenlord of the Center of the Universe * # # *---------------------------------------------------* #
Reverend of The Brotherhood for Christ Independent Journalist, Bullshit caller, Awakened soul, Organic Farmer,Anon
Feb 2016
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