Jersey/NorthEast Nightwriters

NO, you do not have to be from Jersey, so come on in. Welcome, welcome, and welcome again to the first of what I hope will be many blogs, photos, and videos covering a whole crapload of different topics, primarily the written and spoken word. I am a creativity freak, for the lack of a better description at the moment. There is not much I don’t experiment with when it comes to art, writing, poems, stories, and books. So I am an uber nerd and all nerds are welcome. All proud introverts are welcomed and loved. All high-functioning depressives are welcomed and loved. Teachers, poets, authors, artists, dreamers, curiodities and true crime enthusiasts (yes, I’m obsessed with dark content as well. You should see my YouTube subscriptions) - may you all find a little cyber home away from home here. So a little about me. I am from New Jersey. Yes, where the middle class are flayed and eaten. No, I do not subscribe to the Taylor Ham/Pork Roll debate because I have lived half my life in South Jersey and the other half in the north, so I can go either way. Yes, I am a diner rat, but I cannot stand not being able to pump my own gas. In all seriousness, this state has its laundry lists of faults, but it’s still a fascinating and eccletic place that inspires a lot of my writing. A major problem I do find is being able to collaborate with like-minded people around here - poets, writers, and so forth. I live way up in North Jersey in the mountains with the bears. So a big part of why I am starting this group is to rectify that issue. But once again, you do not have to be from Jersey to be in this group and relate to it. You can be from Uranus. I don’t care ;) I am a high school special education teacher of English and a part time college professor. Needless to say, my career is quite the life suck, but not in a bad way. I truly enjoy what I do for a living. I just wish it allowed me more time for my other endeavors which are many. This is where this group comes in. It will force me to put the day to day life aside.
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