
"You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you FREE.” (John 8:32) "Познаете Истину, и Истина сделает вас СВОБОДНЫМИ." (От Иоанна 8:32) Answering Islam Blog TheArchive
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Islam Has Been Created by the Jews - Joseph Maria 60% of koran was written in Hebrew. Iraqi Muslim confessed that when they read Qur’an in Arabic, they do NOT understand what they read, they need help (translate) because many words are Hebrew, not Arabic (Professor of the Arabic...See more


Muhammad's FIRST wife Khadijah at Marriage [she was 15 years older than him] Hakim ibn Hizam said, “The Messenger of Allah married Khadijah when she was 40 and the Messenger of Allah was 25. Khadijah was two years older than me. She was born 15 years before the Elephant and I...See more


The Vatican Created Islam To Take Jerusalem, & Kill True Christians & Jews. Islam & Catholicism Are Both Rooted In Paganism. Catholicism Is Paganism Mixed With Christianity & Completely Unbiblical/Vatican Exposed. God Bless & Jesus Saves....See more


Female Muslim SPEECHLESS Over The DEVIL Creating ISLAM | Sam Shamoun Debate 0:15 How do you explain the fact that there at least 38 different Arabic versions of the Quran? And even in Islamic tradition you have 7 of them and those 7...See more


Ex-Muslims DISCOVER LIVE They Were Worshiping Baal (Satan) Hubal Chief god of the Ka'ba; a martial and oracular deity, a moon god. [Gods, Goddesses and Mythology, ed. C. Scott Littleton (Marshal Cavendish Corporation 2005, Volume 11, p. 137)]


You will be BLOWN AWAY when you hear "MUHAMMAD'S" IDENTITY! James Kaddis, the very popular pastor from 'Calvary Chapel Signal Hill' in California interviews Jay concerning the the earliest characters in Islam, none of whom have any historical antecedents; in other words, they...See more

"You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you FREE.” (John 8:32) "Познаете Истину, и Истина сделает вас СВОБОДНЫМИ." (От Иоанна 8:32) Answering Islam Blog TheArchive