Change My Mind

A place for open discussion. The emphasis is on learning from another's perspective so please source when you can and be prepared to explain your position with respect.
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➝ Only by Knowing the Methods by Which We are Being Deceived Can We Progress. Most of us try to live through the idea of what we consider to be “good”. But our ability to actualize the authentic, genuine, real, true good is limited by various barriers. Many falsities are...See more

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➝ The Quest to Wisdom. Matter is what individual objects are made of in general and these objects are represented in nature, the universe. Nature is the reality we live in, that we are immersed in, the greater womb we are born into and live in. There are hidden, occulted,...See more

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➝ Foundational Axioms to Build Upon. When inquiring into aspects of truth and reality, there are limits to the degree of verification we can employ to trace something back to its roots in the grounding of reality. You can only regress back so far to trace something and know it...See more

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➝ For Us to be United Together — Each of us as Individuals Must Also be United Within Ourselves. There’s a major psychological drive to unite with others, to form relationships and work together cooperatively towards a common goal. If we want to go somewhere together, we need to...See more

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➝ Mind Control Methodologies - Alchemy - The State of Our Food - Consciousness. We are what we eat, but it is more than that, we are what we put into our bodies in totality. Not only what we eat and drink, but what we watch, hear, pay attention to, read, etc. we must be careful...See more

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How to Transcend the Soul Trap (Part 4: Consciousness) Consciousness is our internal world of awareness, thoughts, emotions, sensations, perceptions and choices. It is the “I” we experience as “I am,” and the sense of self inside...See more

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5 Real-World Flat-Earth Proofs: Now, let's explore key elements that challenge the contemporary claim of a spinning globe by presenting real-world examples that clearly demonstrate a flat and stationary Earth, rather than one with a...See more


Everyone who want to joins the project, based on their different economic capabilities, will choose different investment amounts: some will choose $500, some $1,000, $3,000, even $5,000, $10,000 or up to $30,000. For example: ⦁ Friends who invest $30,000: earn $30,000 x 1% x 88%...See more

  • verified_user

Earth's 4 Motions are Nonsense: The heliocentric model with its spinning, spherical Earth concept, consistently requires an array of intricate scientific calibrations, adjustments and ‘fixes’ for its highly implausible assertions to...See more

A place for open discussion. The emphasis is on learning from another's perspective so please source when you can and be prepared to explain your position with respect.