History Buffs

Historical Pictures? Documentaries? How about educational videos and articles? Have an opinion on a historical event you want to share? If it's from the past, it's welcome here! From the Creator: I'm not really expecting anyone to follow any rules other than basic respect for others. However, I ask that you keep posts as historically accurate as possible. This is a group about history, and while there will always be biased articles and documentaries, which I have no problem with, propaganda and conspiracy videos are things I would like to keep away from this group. Like I said previously, please just fact check and keep things as historically accurate as you can. Thank you. :)
Type: All

On this date in 1982 – Anti-government demonstrations are held in 66 Polish cities to commemorate the second anniversary of the Gdańsk Agreement.


On this date in 1980 – After two weeks of nationwide strikes, the Polish government was forced to sign the Gdańsk Agreement, allowing for the creation of the trade union Solidarity.


On this date in 1935 – In an attempt to stay out of the growing turmoil in Europe, the United States passes the first of its Neutrality Acts.


In the middle of his term as Secretary of State, the future president John Quincy Adams addressed a joint session of Congress. What prompted this unusual event? The United States had just fought Britain to a draw in the War of 1812. It was fought almost entirely in Canada. Some...See more


On this date in 2007 – 2007 United States Air Force nuclear weapons incident: Six US cruise missiles armed with nuclear warheads are flown without proper authorization from Minot Air Force Base to Barksdale Air Force Base.


On this date in 1786 – Shays's Rebellion, an armed uprising of Massachusetts farmers, begins in response to high debt and tax burdens.


On this date in 1928 – The Kellogg–Briand Pact outlawing war is signed by fifteen nations. Ultimately sixty-one nations will sign it. It was signed by Germany, France and the United States on August 27, 1928.


On this date in 1921 – The British install the son of Sharif Hussein bin Ali (leader of the Arab Revolt of 1916 against the Ottoman Empire) as King Faisal I of Iraq.


On this date in 1918 – Mexican Revolution: Battle of Ambos Nogales: U.S. Army forces skirmish against Mexican Carrancistas and their German advisors in the only battle of World War I fought on American soil.


On this date in 1970 – The then-new feminist movement, led by Betty Friedan, leads a nationwide Women's Strike for Equality.


On this date in 1789 – The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen is approved by the National Constituent Assembly of France.


On this date in 1835 – The New York Sun perpetrates the Great Moon Hoax.

Historical Pictures? Documentaries? How about educational videos and articles? Have an opinion on a historical event you want to share? If it's from the past, it's welcome here! From the Creator: I'm not really expecting anyone to follow any rules other than basic respect for others. However, I ask that you keep posts as historically accurate as possible. This is a group about history, and while there will always be biased articles and documentaries, which I have no problem with, propaganda and conspiracy videos are things I would like to keep away from this group. Like I said previously, please just fact check and keep things as historically accurate as you can. Thank you. :)