Goes live at 9.00pm Saturday British time/ 8.00am Sunday eastern Australian time, join us for British and Old Commonwealth takes on news and events. This week's thumbnail is the Royal Navy first class cruiser HMS St George of 1892. She took part in the 40 minute war against Zanzibar in 1896, and also saw service in WWI. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_MP9ZOFgrE8&ab_channel=99IronDuke
Dogs have been a feature in English, British, Australian, Canadian, New Zealand, South African, Irish and American bars, ever since dogs became man's best friend, it is part of our culture and history, and we should never give it up.
#ZeroSeats for the so called 'Conservatives'. Vote Farage and Reform. Farage and Reform are far from perfect, but for the real, Anglo-Celtic, people of Britain to survive the British uniparty of so called 'Conservatives' and Labour (plus LibDems and 'Greens') MUST be broken. Farage, who led Brexit, deserves his chance. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbjjXlhpijQ
This is the most accurate description I've heard of Nigel #Farage, and by association, #ReformUK. @DanielBostock has a good memory of Farage's track record! Take heed, as he's controlled opposition, says what people want to hear, yet considers the man in the street a far-right hooligan while portraying himself as the man down the pub.