World Economic Forum Information

There's already a group that deals with the Great Reset and the UN Agenda 2030, which I used to cover WEF issues. In the future, internal issues related to the WEF, specifically, will be in this group here.
Type: All

In 2015, the Swiss Federal Government signed an agreement with the WEF that granted it the status of an international institution with full diplomatic immunity:


McKinsey's own article about the WEF, implicitly admitting that they are very closely associated: McKinsey are commonly hired as consultants by numerous governments around the world. Politicians often...See more


The politicians who are WEF members ...


Weird - right after I wrote about Marc Benioff, the founder and CEO of Salesforce and the owner of Time Magazine, who wrote in his own profile that he was a member of the WEF board, I wanted to look up his WEF entry, to add to my database. Turns out that the WEF DELETED his...See more


I don't know how I missed this guy from my list of Marxist billionaires, WEF members and Great Reset promoters... Marc Benioff doesn't just own Salesforce, he owns TIME magazine, which explains why they are 100% fully aligned with the other propaganda platforms... When he was 15, he created his first software business and called it "Liberty Software" - he's come a very, very, very long way since then. He traded liberty for fascism 😖


They have no shame!

There's already a group that deals with the Great Reset and the UN Agenda 2030, which I used to cover WEF issues. In the future, internal issues related to the WEF, specifically, will be in this group here.