Spicy Memes

* No spam * The sidebar chat can be used as a live chat * You are further encouraged to comment on each other's posts as much as you like for daily mutual Minds token benefit Group created by @newshoundza #SpicyMemes #Dankmemes #Memes #Meme #Dankmeme #SpicyMeme #DarkHumour #DarkHumor
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👀Truth: Energy flows where focus goes ! 👲So if you want to change something you should focus on something new because when you focus on the old even when you are against that you still feed it ! 🤓One more reason to be for something and not against it ! Example: be for peace instead of against war !🤡PLUR😎N🙏


👀Do you really think putting this much artificial chemical crap (=poison) into the first years of a young life is good ? 🤓It disrupts the normal grow process thus create all the “modern” diseases we encounter ! 👲Even here: Garbage in ! > Garbage Out ! 👲PLUR😎N🙏


👀The thing that really matters is what you think, how you feel and how you go through life ! 🤓Ofcourse to live in harmony with others is a good thing. 👲But to live in harmony with your-self is a basic need ! 🤡PLUR😎N🙏


👀True words and meaning. 🤓That is why i do what i do here on social media. 👲Not to convince people. 🤡But to inspire them to start that search ! 😎Peace Love Unity Respect en Namaste🙏


👀A bit humor is always good to relax. 🤓This sure is a way to keep an eye on things.🤡 Credits: hippyslippy ( Instagram, tik tok) 😎Peace Unity Respect and Namaste🙏


👀Tech is a good thing if you use it wise ! 🤓When you are aware that smart also means they can follow you consider then also the price you pay for those services ! 👲The choice is yours ! 🤓All is energy, nothing is free and that is ok too ! 😎Peace Love Unity Respect and Namaste🙏


👀<nope nothing to see here> 👲 <still nothing to see> 🤓 <so no write up needed> 🤡 Have a nice day ! 😎Peace Love Unity Respect and Namaste🙏


👀Yes we have become to comfortable with living the easy life and forgot a lot of basics of living in nature and with nature 👲and prefer a lot of artificial stuff. 🤓Although these “modern”things also brought some good we really need to find the balance again between the old and the new. 🤡PLUR😎N🙏


👀That is why the gain of knowledge is so important ! 👲You should get that knowledge your-self ! 🤓So you have control over that weapon. 🤓PLUR😎N🙏


👀So weird it is almost as if certain places / houses get set on fire and other places/ houses are not. 🤓The scale of it gives a whole other dimension to the saying.“ we give you a offer you can not refuse.” 👲The Italian maffia would be proud of it but it is still arson and extortion ! 🤡it is evil and wrong ! 😎Peace Love Unity Respect en Namaste🙏


👀They also put it right in your face 👲and tell you it is all about their privacy (policy)! 🤓And that has nothing at all to do with yours ! 🤡PLUR😎N🙏


👀Truth can be found here in the heart but it might not always be the truth you are looking for.”-Frank Remie 💚The heart is the balancing point between all ! ☯It does not judge but simple tells us what is (heartpulse=1) and what is not (silence inbetween=0) 🤓There is truth in that ! 👲Can tell you truth in thoughs (Ego=Yang) and feelings (Emo=Yin) ! 🤡PLUR😎N🙏

* No spam * The sidebar chat can be used as a live chat * You are further encouraged to comment on each other's posts as much as you like for daily mutual Minds token benefit Group created by @newshoundza #SpicyMemes #Dankmemes #Memes #Meme #Dankmeme #SpicyMeme #DarkHumour #DarkHumor