👀Like false beliefs in: governments, institutions, big co operations, sciencetism and religion. 🤓They all only serve to sell you a story! 🤡And products for their own gains in wealth, power and control over others ! 👲PLUR😎N🙏
👀Let your light shine is all about showing people 👲 and your-self the way they can go. 🤓Give options, choices one can make all based upon knownledge ofcourse so always be open to learn ! 🤡PLUR😎N🙏
👀Journalists used to investigate truth ! 🤡But these days they are mostly just bought and payed for propagandist (Whorenalists) 👲Telling a story they want to sell you ! 🤓PLUR😎N🙏
👀His story therefor might not be the truth at all but a mere story for people to believe in and accepted as truth because they never heared otherwise.🤡This is why you always look to other sides of a story. 🤓PLUR😎N🙏
👀One little truth bomb and inconvenient question at a time. 👲Little schockwaves in an ocean. 🤓Making ripples to get more insights of the chaos ! 🤡PLUR😎N🙏
👀Cows are not the problem but poison nano dust that we eat, drink and breath in is !🤡 Making tresholds for measuring saftety on purpose low so you can claim it is safe 👲will not protect you from all the added up poison you get in you over time ! 🤓PLUR😎N🙏
👀Repost: “I am but a mere small Mirror. 🤓Just holding it in front of people.🤡Describing with words the picture you see in it.”-Frank Remie 14 Dec 2020 🤡PLUR😎N🙏
👀So make sure others like the government (=govern the mind) is not moving in without your consent.🤓It is up to you to set up boundaries.🤡To make your own decisions ! 👲PLUR😎N🙏
👀“Today i love” 👲yes love start with loving your-self ! 🤡This is always the first step.🤓Just love and relax a bit because one can not always be in a fight mode there should also be peace and some rest ! 😎Peace Love Unity Respect en Namaste🙏
👀Special for all the lies that are being told by people who are supposed to be responsible for leading governments and co-operations 👲and will never take that responsibility ! 🤓Where are those wet signatures under the documents that prove they are ? 🤡PLUR😎N🙏
👀Key here are also written and principal (authority) they need to sign on those writs with a wet signature taking responsibility to that request. 🤓Without such a signature it does not mean anything at all ! 🤡PLUR😎N🙏