CriticalRaceTheory SocialJustice Woke PostModernism

A group to discuss Critical Race Theory and other post-modernism, woke and social justice stuff. #criticalracetheory #crt #socialjustice #postmodernism #woke
Type: All

Theory: Much of the so-called identity politics movement is a power play by foreign adversaries. By manipulating universities and social justice activists to teach that western culture is something to be ashamed of, foreign powers (perhaps China or Russia) can undermine western power from within without firing a single shot. As more westerners feel ashamed of themselves and afraid to use logic or reason, the technological and military capabilities of the western nations are subtly eroded with time. Thoughts?


Hello everyone, how are you?


If the target is to have the "diversity of the community and the labor market in a region", then I guess the aim can even be, not to have diversity at all! 🤷 #racism #CriticalRaceTheory #education #teachers #racists

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Businesses and people are going looking for racism because of their belief in "systemic racism" and you perceive what you believe. Their FAITH or belief system is that there is systemic racism and all white people are racist, etc. But it's not an accurate belief. The research...See more


Can we allow the corruption of definition of man - woman ? How far can we let the woke rape of our language proceed ? My language and speech is my tool to communicate. I choose the words I need to express myself but if someone changes the meaning of my words my language and...See more

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"Good intro to the manipulative ESG scam for everyday people and policymakers." - James Lindsay From the article: "First, we must define what an ESG score entails: According to The ESG Report, “An ESG score is a rating that's used to determine how sustainable a company is in...See more

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Peter Boghossian shares the woke religion taxonomy, a great way to let others know that wokism is a religion. As a religion it shouldn't be taught in schools as facts. It's a combination of church and state. #criticalracetheory #crt #woke #wokism #transgenderagenda


While #Marxists have their own fixed ideas and blind spots, much of post-modern thought is nonsense and a rationalization for pseudo-intellectul propaganda to undermine coherent discourse. #PostModernism #Marxism

A group to discuss Critical Race Theory and other post-modernism, woke and social justice stuff. #criticalracetheory #crt #socialjustice #postmodernism #woke