Covid-19 Exchange

Recommended Frontline Doctor, Syed Haider protocols for Covid healing, prevention, and vaccine injury. Website: Phone: USA +1 (281)-393-8266 Thank you contributors for being respectful and only posting Covid-19 related research articles in this group. Reminding your own post helps to distribute the word among your network so please do. Dispelling the Coronavirus lies of the Main Street Media, Globalist Health Organizations, governments, pharmaceutical industry, politicians and others. Feel free to share your scientific.research articles and alt-media information exposing the lies that shut down the world.
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The Agenda: Died Suddenly Episode 6 - August 20, 2024 EXCLUSIVE: First interview with the Researchers Who Found Nanobots in the Vaccine In Episode 6 of The Agenda, Dr. Young Mi Lee and Dr. Daniel Broudy detail shocking "self-animating entities" discovered inside vials of Pfizer...See more

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Recommended Frontline Doctor, Syed Haider protocols for Covid healing, prevention, and vaccine injury. Website: Phone: USA +1 (281)-393-8266 Thank you contributors for being respectful and only posting Covid-19 related research articles in this group. Reminding your own post helps to distribute the word among your network so please do. Dispelling the Coronavirus lies of the Main Street Media, Globalist Health Organizations, governments, pharmaceutical industry, politicians and others. Feel free to share your scientific.research articles and alt-media information exposing the lies that shut down the world.